Twisted Scriptures : Breaking Free from Churches That Abuse

Twisted Scriptures : Breaking Free from Churches That Abuse


For Someone Else If You're Concerned. For Yourself If You've Ever Wondered.You joined your church because of its intensity for God. Like no other place, it's helped you discover the meaning of obedience. Of teachableness. Of death to self. If there's one problem, it's the confusion that sometimes comes from your own carnal thinking. But God has given you leaders who can lovingly correct a doubting, independent spirit and help you choose God's best for your life. How can you go wrong with a church like that? Easily. What you've just read actually fits the profile of many abusive churches. Twisted Scriptures reveals in depth how the Bible can be distorted in ways that rob you of the liberty Jesus died to give you. You might be shocked at what you discover. This book uncovers the subtle but powerful techniques by which, in the name of truth, controlling leaders manipulate and intimidate countless believers. It also supplies tools for overcoming persuasive, deceptive teachings and practices. Thousands of Christians have already moved from struggle to true freedom and hope through Twisted Scriptures. If you truly want to grow in everything God made you to be, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 298 pages
  • English
  • 0310234085
  • 9780310234081

About Mary Alice Chrnalogar

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