The Sound of Coaches

The Sound of Coaches


One stormy December night some time in the eighteenth century, a coach came thundering down the long hill outside of Dorking on its usual journey into London. But something unusual was to happen that night as one of the passengers unexpectedly gave birth to a child.

Not until he was eight did Sam Chichester discover that the coachman and guard he called 'Ma and 'Pa' were not his real parents. Sam will need to grow up, leave home, and find love before he will finally uncover the truth about his parentage.

Buy The Sound of Coaches by Leon Garfield at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 216 pages
  • English
  • 0140309616
  • 9780140309614

About Leon Garfield

leon garfield frsl (14 july 1921 – 2 june 1996) was a british writer of fiction. he is best known for children's historical novels, though he also wr Read More about Leon Garfield
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