The Scarlet Ruse and Two other Great Mysteries

The Scarlet Ruse and Two other Great Mysteries


Travis McGee is too busy with his houseboat to pay attention to the little old man with the missing postage stamps. Except these are no ordinary stamps. They are rare stamps. Four hundred thousand dollars worth of rare. And if McGee doesn't recognize their value, perhaps Mary Alice McDermit does, a six-foot knockout who knows all the ways to a boat bum's heart. Only it's not McGee's heart that's in danger. Because a syndicate killer has put a contract on McGee. A killer who knows something about stamps . . . and even more about McGee.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 505 pages
  • English
  • 0449224775
  • 9780449224779

About John D. MacDonald

john d. macdonald was born in sharon, pa, and educated at the universities of pennsylvania, syracuse and harvard, where he took an mba in 1939. during ww2, Read More about John D. MacDonald
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