The Roman Mysteries #8: The Gladiators from Capua book by Caroline Lawrence

The Roman Mysteries #8: The Gladiators from Capua book by Caroline Lawrence


The Roman Mysteries #8: The Gladiators from Capua book by Caroline Lawrence

March AD 80. In Rome, the Emperor Titus has announced that there will be a hundred days of games to open his new amphitheatre (now known as the Colosseum). Flavia, Nubia and Lupus take this opportunity to go to Rome and search for their missing friend, Jonathan. Their search leads the young detectives straight to the games, where they must face wild beasts and gladiators to accomplish their mission.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 241 pages
  • English
  • 1596430745
  • 9781596430747

About Caroline Lawrence

caroline lawrence won a scholarship to cambridge to read classical archaeology, then did a degree in hebrew and jewish studies at university college london Read More about Caroline Lawrence
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