The Flower Ball Book by Sigrid Laube

The Flower Ball Book by Sigrid Laube


With charming and colorful illustrations, this lively story delivers an important message of acceptance to young readers. When Cauliflower and Carrot decide to go to the Flower Ball, the other vegetables are scandalized—since vegetables and flowers don't look and smell alike, they think they should stick to their own kinds. At the ball, the flowers are indignant over this strange brushwood attending their fragrant party, but Cauliflower and Carrot are self-confident and don't hesitate to dance a Snap-Bean Rumba, a Cucumber Tango, and a Chili-Pepper Cha-Cha-Cha. The two of them make a beautiful sight, and despite themselves, the flowers applaud. Soon the flowers open up their buds, and a vegetable–flower friendship grows.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 30 pages
  • English
  • 0964601028
  • 9780964601024

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