The Caldwell caravan: Novels and stories

The Caldwell caravan: Novels and stories


Includes 20 short stories and 2 complete novels - Tobacco Road and God's Little Acre. Erskine Caldwell was a mid-twentieth century eminent, prolific American writer born in Georgia. His fiction is often set in the South, some based on social inequities and racial hatred, some based on folk tales, much of it humorous, even bawdy.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 436 pages
  • English
  • 1299581943
  • 978-1299581944

About Erskine Caldwell

erskine preston caldwell (december 17, 1903 – april 11, 1987) was an american novelist and short story writer. his writings about poverty, racism and Read More about Erskine Caldwell
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