Rock Bottom book by Fern Michaels

Rock Bottom book by Fern Michaels


Rock Bottom book by Fern Michaels

The Sisterhood: a group of women from all walks of life bound by friendship and years of adventure. Armed with vast resources, top-notch expertise, and a loyal network of allies around the globe, the Sisterhood will not rest until every wrong is made right. Isabelle “Izzy” Flanders and Yoko Akia are beginning a new project—an indoor/outdoor café that will be the cornerstone of a market village. Izzy knows just where to get the project off the ground: her old college classmate, Zoe Danfield, now vice president of a huge construction corporation. But the Zoe that Izzy reencounters doesn’t seem like her old, confident friend. This Zoe is tense and stressed, and Izzy eventually learns why. Buildings and bridges have been collapsing all over the world, causing hundreds of deaths, and Zoe suspects her firm’s inferior foundation materials are the cause. When she asks questions, she gets told to keep her nose out of what doesn’t concern her. Zoe knows someone has to blow the whistle and reveal the truth. Who better than the Sisterhood? But this adversary has money, power, and resources to match the Sisterhood’s—and no intention of giving up without a fight . . . Published By Zebra on 2023-12-26

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 289 pages
  • English
  • 9781420154252
  • 1420154257

About Fern Michaels

fern michaels isn’t a person. i’m not sure she’s an entity either since an entity is something with separate existence. fern michaels® Read More about Fern Michaels
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