Princess Protection Program: Princess Protection Program The Movie Storybook

Princess Protection Program: Princess Protection Program The Movie Storybook


Carter Mason's life is turned upside down when her father, Major Mason of the Princess Protection Program—a fictitious organization that rescues princesses—brings Princess Rosalinda to their Louisiana home. Rosalinda's country has been taken over by a dictator. The only way to save her country and her mother is for Rosalinda to go undercover as regular American teen Rosie Gonzalez. Carter is in charge of helping Rosie fit in, but getting the princess to change her ways is more challenging than either one of them expected. And when both girls are nominated for Homecoming Queen, they're in for an unforgettable adventure! From the rescue of Rosalinda to a Homecoming Queen ceremony to remember, this gem of a storybook retells the entire hit film and features tons of full-color photos. 

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 56 pages
  • English
  • 1423122887
  • 9781423122883

About Catherine Hapka

catherine (cathy) hapka has written more than one hundred books for children and adults, as a ghostwriter for series as well as original titles, including Read More about Catherine Hapka
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