Power and Peril: The Catholic Church at the Crossroads

Power and Peril: The Catholic Church at the Crossroads


The beginning of the new millennium seems an appropriate time to assess therole of the Catholic Church in modern life. As a centuries-old institution, ithas been rocked by forces of war, politics and scandal. Recently there have beencontinual calls for change, and how the Church responds to these diverse voiceswill signal an institution that is either accepting and inclusive, or one thatis fearful and withdrawn. In Power & Peril, Michael Higgins and Douglas Letson tacklehead-on the issues that are facing the Church daily. The authors combine animpressive depth of academic research, knowledge of Church history and numerousinterviews with key international figures, interviewed specifically for thisbook, to bring fresh perspectives to the challenges confronting the Church inthe contemporary world. Power & Peril is sure to provoke strong reactions and opinionsfrom many stakeholders. As the book makes clear, there is much in the Church tobe admired, preserved and emulated. But it is undeniable that the future itfaces is fraught with questions and debate. Published By HarperCollins Publishers on 2003-02-03

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 440 pages
  • English
  • 0006394299
  • 9780006394297

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