Midnight Math: Twelve Terrific Math Games book by Peter Ledwon

Midnight Math: Twelve Terrific Math Games book by Peter Ledwon


Animal characters help readers play twelve different math games.White writing and neon pictures leap of the dark pages of this collection of math amusements. The clock has struck midnight and three little mice have come out to play math games with the readers. Some of the games can be played with materials right on the pages of the book. For other games, the readers need to collect such common household materials as playing cards, snack foods, and pens and paper. The games are mostly aimed at beginning math students, but variations are appended for practicing a variety of different math skills. The math often takes a back seat to the wisecracking main characters and their way-cool neon colored house. But the book, as light on challenging math concepts as it may be, may engage reluctant math students in painless practice, or inspire proficient math students to hold their own midnight math revelries. 

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 32 pages
  • English
  • 0823415309
  • 9780823415304

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