Heart of the Night book By Barbara Delinsky

Heart of the Night book By Barbara Delinsky


Assistant D.A. Savannah Smith, her jealous sister Susan, and society wife Megan Vandermeer are old friends - and sometimes bitter rivals. Then one horrifying night Megan is kidnapped. Now Savannah and Susan must move beyond the secrets and mistrust that have stood between them for year and team up to find their friend. While following a dangerous trail filled with lies and deception, the sisters find themselves mesmerized by two charismatic men. One is Jared Snow, the radio star with the voice Savannah cannot resist. The other is Sam Craig, the tough detective whose rugged sensuality Susan cannot deny. Shocking revelations will force each woman to reassess her life...and how far she is willing to go for the man she loves.


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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 416 pages
  • English
  • 0446530964
  • 9780446530965

About Barbara Delinsky

i was born and raised in suburban boston. my mother’s death, when i was eight, was the defining event of a childhood that was otherwise ordinary. i t Read More about Barbara Delinsky
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