Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind

Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind


Spring's Awakening is a tragi-comedy of teenage sex. Its fourteen-year-old heroine, Wendla, is killed by abortion pills. The young Moritz, terrorized by the world around him, and especially by his teachers, shoots himself. The ending seems likely to be the suicide of Moritz's friend, Melchior, but in a confrontation with a mysterious stranger (the famous Masked Man) he finally manages to shed his illusions and face the consequences.





Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind price in nairobi kenya Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekindpdf Spring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind Spring's Awakening by Frank WedekindSpring's Awakening by Frank Wedekind Spring's Awakening [Paperback] [2000] (Author) Frank ...Spring's Awakening - Eric Bentley | PDF

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 125 pages
  • English
  • 1557832455
  • 9781557832450

About Frank Wedekind

benjamin franklin wedekind, usually known as frank wedekind, was a german playwright. his work, which often criticizes bourgeois attitudes (particularly to Read More about Frank Wedekind
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