Doorway Papers: Who told Adam how to Speak?

Doorway Papers: Who told Adam how to Speak?


Biblical answers to the questions raised by the existence of fossil remains of early man and theories of man's animal origin. Whether Adam and Eve existed historically, as the Book of Genesis implies, is the focal point of the author's anthropological research...Custance holds to the literal interpretation of the Genesis record. With this belief he accepts the idea of the instant creation of man, followed by a real temptation involving a real tree in a real garden; he contends also that the evidence supports the traditional biblical chronology which places a recent date on the origin of the first human pair

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  • Paperback
  • 119 pages
  • English
  • 0310230314
  • 9780310230311

About Arthur C. Custance

arthur c. custance (1910–1985) was a canadian physiologist and writer, best known for his advocation of gap creationism.custance was born in norfolk, Read More about Arthur C. Custance
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