DC Comics: Secret Hero Society #1: Study Hall of Justice book by Derek Fridolfs

DC Comics: Secret Hero Society #1: Study Hall of Justice book by Derek Fridolfs


Being the new kid at school is tough, especially when your school is called Ducard Academy and your name is Bruce Wayne. There's a gang of jokers roaming the halls, a muscle-headed kid named Bane wants to beat you up, and your headmaster Hugo Strange seems really, well, strange. This inventive novel follows young Bruce Wayne and his friends Clark (Superman) and Diana (Wonder Woman) as they start a Junior Detective Agency to investigate their teachers and find out what's going on behind closed doors at Ducard Academy, all before recess.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 175 pages
  • English
  • 0545929075
  • 9780545929073

About Derek Fridolfs

derek fridolfs has worked professionally as an writer, inker, cover & sequential artist for dc, marvel, dark horse, boom, idw, and a majority of comic Read More about Derek Fridolfs
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