A Student's Guide to Mental Health and Wellness

A Student's Guide to Mental Health and Wellness


The Student Guide to Mental Health and Wellness, written at a 6th-8th grade reading level, identifies and explains the history, people, terms, and issues concerning mental health, replacing misconceptions with factual information so that students may achieve an optimum level of wellness in their daily lives.

Tracing the beginnings of the science of psychology to the present day, this four-volume set identifies important scientists/researchers and the contributions they made to understanding mental health. Diseases and disorders are explained along with current approaches to treatment. Contemporary controversies in mental health are presented, with a discussion of pros and cons. A special emphasis is given to the mental health and wellness issues of teens. The Student Guide to Mental Health & Wellness identifies and explains the history, people, terms, and issues concerning mental health, replacing misconceptions with factual information so that students may achieve an optimum level of wellness in their daily lives

Buy A Student's Guide to Mental Health and Wellness at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 132 pages
  • English
  • 0313325480
  • 9780313325489

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