U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America

U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America


Story of what happened in the early days of World War II when Nazi U-boats were sent against the east coast of America. German U-boats were sinking shipping faster than it could be built. They were finally driven away from the American shore by the autumn of 1943.

U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America || U-boats offshore Book by Edwin Palmer Hoyt || U-Boats Offshore: Edwin Hoyt: 9780812881530 || U Boats Offshore by Edwin Hoyt || U-Boats Offshore by Hoyt, Edwin P. || U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America - Hardcover || U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America - Hardcover price in nairobi kenya || U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America - Hardcover price in nairobi kenya || U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America - Hardcover cost in nairobi kenya ||| world war books in nairobi kenya ?? hitler books in nairobi kenya 

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 264 pages
  • English
  • 0872166554
  • 9780872166554

About Edwin P. Hoyt

edwin p. hoyt was a prolific american writer who specialized in military history. he was born in portland, oregon to the publisher edwin palmer hoyt (1897& Read More about Edwin P. Hoyt
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