The Spider and the Fly (Illustrated)

The Spider and the Fly (Illustrated)


Mary Howitt's classic 19th Century poem, "The Spider and the Fly," warns its young readers against the danger of flattery and evil counsel. In her famous tale, the flitting Fly is overwhelmed by the cunning Spider, due in part to the Spider's deception, but also because of the Fly's own sins of vanity and naivety. The poem is told in an engaging rhyme and rhythm and is colorfully illustrated by Ukrainian artist Yelyzaveta Anysymova. This edition of Howitt's tale of moral hazard is a great addition to any child's bookshelf. Mary Howitt (1799-1888) was an English author of over 180 books, many written for children. Among her literary accomplishments were her translations of many tales by Hans Christian Andersen and her work as an editor on the Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book. She was recognized and rewarded for her life's work with a silver medal from the Literary Academy of Stockholm and a Civil List Pension from the United Kingdom. Yelyzaveta Anysymova is a self-taught children's book artist from Ukraine. She draws inspiration from the people and beauty of her hometown of Zaporizhzhia. Published By on 2023-02-24

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 32 pages
  • English
  • 0689852894
  • 9780689852893

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