The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald


This book brings together for the first time, a wide selection of probably the most interesting, open and appealing letters in American literary history. They reveal with stunning impact the tension and drama of Fitzgerald's private life. as well as his life as a writer. Andrew Turnbull, author of the recent best-selling biography of Fitzgerald, has grouped the letters around the people who were closest and most important to Fitzgerald(there also is a specially compiled chronologicaal listing for those who wish to follow the letters in sequence).

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 615 pages
  • English
  • 0140026126
  • 9780140026122

About F. Scott Fitzgerald

francis scott key fitzgerald was an american writer of novels and short stories, whose works have been seen as evocative of the jazz age, a term he himself Read More about F. Scott Fitzgerald
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