The Baby Name Survey Book: What People Think about Your Baby's Name

The Baby Name Survey Book: What People Think about Your Baby's Name


What will people thing about your baby's name?"The Baby Name Survey Book," previously titled "The Baby Name Personality Survey," is not just a baby name book -- it is a reflection of how popular culture affects the perception of popular names. This is the fist name book to provide information on what people think about names. With the information in this book, parents can pick a name for their child with positive connotations, and avoid names that might subject their child to teasing.

A total of over 100,000 parents were surveyed to determine the most common images people hold about the most popular names for babies. For this new edition, over 300 new names were added to the original 1,400 names, and many of the names were updated to reflect the most up-to-date information about the names you're considering for your baby, including:


The new image of names associated with celebrities, such as Newt, Colin, Denzel, Selena, Winona, and Mariah; 
The image of trendy names such as Taylor, Cody, Sierra, Dakota, Caitlin, and Jasmine; 
The image of newly popular ethnic and international names, such as Keisha, Latanya, Jamila, Asia, Rasheed, Alejandro, and Andre.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 274 pages
  • English
  • 0881663115
  • 9780881663112

About Bruce Lansky

i was born on june 1, 1941. my first home was an apartment in manhattan's upper west side, a neighborhood that overlooked the george washington bridge. soo Read More about Bruce Lansky
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