My Magic Tree House Journal: Explore Your World with Jack and Annie! book by Mary Pope Osborne

My Magic Tree House Journal: Explore Your World with Jack and Annie! book by Mary Pope Osborne

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My Magic Tree House Journal: Explore Your World with Jack and Annie! book by Mary Pope Osborne

Explore and document the amazing world around you in this fun and interactive companion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House® series.
Even after the magic tree house brings Jack and Annie back home to Frog Creek, they never stop having adventures. They love to explore the world around them. Now it’s your turn! You can fill out this journal right along with Jack and Annie.
What animals can you find where you live? What plants grow there? What are some of your favorite places? What stars can you find in the sky? The answers are all up to you!

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 144 pages
  • English
  • 0385375050
  • 9780385375054

About Mary Pope Osborne

mary pope osborne has channeled a lifelong love of exploration and travel into one of the most popular children’s book series of the past two decades Read More about Mary Pope Osborne
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