I Am Still With You: The Story of a Missing Person in the Nigerian Civil War book by Emmanuel Iduma

I Am Still With You: The Story of a Missing Person in the Nigerian Civil War book by Emmanuel Iduma


I Am Still With You: The Story of a Missing Person in the Nigerian Civil War book by Emmanuel Iduma

'A lyrical investigation ... both powerful and transcendent' CHIGOZIE OBIOMA 'Acutely observed, hauntingly rendered and deeply affecting' AMINATTA FORNA 'Both epic and intimate' MARGO JEFFERSON An astonishing search for a missing person, the hidden tragedies of war and the truth of Nigeria's history. Emmanuel Iduma never met his uncle, his father's favourite brother and the man for whom he is named. The elder Emmanuel left home in 1967 to fight in the Biafran War and was not seen again. The war lasted for three years, with young Igbo men volunteering to fight for a breakaway republic in the chaotic wake of British decolonization. Around one hundred thousand others who fought in the war share a fate like Emmanuel's uncle, though there are no official records of these losses. The tensions that gave rise to the conflict remain live, threatening sometimes to bubble over. In this landscape, there are no monuments or graves. Instead, a collective remembering that remains, for the most part, silent. I Am Still with You sees a young Nigerian return to his place of birth. Travelling the route of the war, Iduma explores both a national history and the mysteries of his own family, finding both somewhat scarred and haunted, the memories warped by time and the darkest parts left for decades unspoken. Published By William Collins on 2024-02-15

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 0008430764
  • 9780008430764

About Emmanuel Iduma

emmanuel iduma, born and raised in nigeria, is a writer and art critic. he is the author of the novel the sound of things to come and co-editor of gambit: Read More about Emmanuel Iduma
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