Fatal Diagnosis by Echo Heron

Fatal Diagnosis by Echo Heron


A cosmetic surgery patient complains of an inexplicable rash. A patient's pacemaker causes havoc with electrical equipment. A man is fished out of San Francisco Bay, his body disfigured by sharks—or by a human with a scalpel.
On Ellis Hospital's Ward 8, Adele Monsarrat, RN, draws a connection between the growing list of disfigured corpses showing up from one coast to the other. By the time she discovers that the crimes she is investigating reach halfway around the world, she has already been added to the list of potential victims. In an age in which cosmetic surgery can produce miraculous beauty, someone has discovered the ultimate transformation: using the human body as the perfect disguise for terror.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 480 pages
  • English
  • 0804119139
  • 9780804119139

About Echo Heron

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