Classic Animal Stories book by Lesley O'Mara

Classic Animal Stories book by Lesley O'Mara


Collects eighteen folktales and classic stories from locales around the world, and includes tales of Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox, Aesop's City Mouse and Country Mouse, and the barnyard musicians of Bremen

  1. List of Plates
  2. Introduction
  3. The Wicked Lord Chamberlain and the Kind Animals Roman Folk Tale
  4. The Wolf and the Seven little kids The Brothers of grimm
  5. Bertrand and Ratto La fontaine
  6. Farmer's Giles's Goats British Folk Tales
  7. The Grateful Beasts  The Brothers Grimm
  8. Chanticleer and Perte lotte  Chaucer
  9. Tigers in the Forest , Anansi in the Web West Indian Folk Tale
  10. The Three Goats Called Hurricane  Scandina vian Folk Tale
  11. The Council Held by the Rats La Fontaine
  12. Rikki-tikki  Rudyard kipling 
  13. The tomtit and the Bear  The Brother Grimm
  14. The Cats And Fox La Fontaine
  15. The Musicians of Bremen The Brothers of Grimm
  16. Brer Rabbits's Good Children Joel Chandler Harris
  17. The Sparrows' Tug -of-War Werst African Folk Tale
  18. The Dog and the Wolf Asop
  19. Dick Whittington and his Cat Traditional English Tales
  20. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Asop
  21. Glossary of Difficulty Words

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 180 pages
  • English
  • 0760706980
  • 9780760706985

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