Chameleon by William Diehl

Chameleon by William Diehl


"Explosive, extraordinary...The reader is left limp!"
The deadliest secret assassin to ever roam the globe. Now, crack reporters Frank O'Hara and Eliza Gunn are hot on his trail. To unmask him, they untangle a many-colored web of espionage and computer intrigue--amid the tantalizing Oriental arts of love and death....

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 480 pages
  • English
  • 0345294459
  • 9780345294456

About William Diehl

diehl was a successful photographer and journalist, when he began his novel-writing career at 50. his first novel, sharky's machine, was made into the 1981 Read More about William Diehl
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