Body Slam by Rex Burns

Body Slam by Rex Burns


Targeted by thugs, a wrestling impresario reaches out to an old friend.

When Otto Lidke got a tryout in pro football, he hired a lawyer friend named Jim Raiford to handle his contract. The negotiations were bungled, forcing both men into a career change. Trying to start a pro wrestling circuit in Denver, Lidke runs afoul of the national federation, which does everything it can -- legal and otherwise -- to stamp out his new venture. When shady business practices escalate into threats on his life, Lidke calls on Raiford, now a private investigator, to dig up some dirt on the men who are trying to put him out of business.

But instead he gets Raiford's daughter, Julie -- a whip-smart sleuth looking to prove she's every bit as savvy as her father. As Julie and her dad dig into the vicious world of small-time wrestling, they find that though the fights may be fixed, the danger is all too real

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 311 pages
  • English
  • 1784083445
  • 9781784083441

About Rex Burns

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