List of Books by Jill Neimark. See all books authored by Jill Neimark

About Jill Neimark

Jill Neimark is an American writer.

Neimark has written one adult novel, a thriller titled Bloodsong, which was published in both hardcover and paperback, chosen by Book of The Month Club, and translated into German, Italian, and Hebrew. She has also published numerous children's books: I Want Your Moo (which was written with psychologist Marcella Bakur Weiner and translated and published in Spanish and Chinese), Toodles & Teeny, The Hugging Tree (which has been featured in dozens of read-a-louds around the world), The Secret Spiral and The Golden Rectangle, among others. She co-authored, with bioethicist Stephen Post, Why Good Things Happen to Good People, which was translated and published in Japan, Brazil, Russia, Portugal, India, Sweden, and Taiwan.