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A non-fiction book is one that tells you facts and information about the world around you. It can cover almost any topic, from wild animals to Vikings. If it's about something that really happened or something that really exists, it is nonfiction. Some nonfiction books have illustrations (pictures) as well as words. Shop Online for non-fiction books in KenyaShop Online for Literature Books and Novels from a huge collection and top brands - Get the Best Literature Books and Novels deals online from Kenya. Discover the best offers when you shop on Second hand Classics books Second hand fiction books Second hand Science Fiction and Fantasy Books Second hand Crime, Thrillers and Mystery second hand Religious and Spiritual Fiction Books Historical Fiction Books Second hand Young Adult books second hand books based on movies Second hand Other books Second hand Management books Second hand Wholesale books Bible, Devotions and Bible Stories Bible, Devotions and Bible Stories Board Books toddler books in Nairobi Kenya Children books in wholesale Anime, Comic and Manga Books Bestsellers Books Second hand Multiple Combo fiction books Second hand Other Fiction books Second hand Self-help books Motivational Books Second hand Finance & Investment books Second hand Leadership, Management & Businessbooks Second hand Auto Biography books Second hand History & True Crime books Second hand Encyclopedia & Dictionary books Second hand Religious & Spiritual books Second hand Wildlife & Animals books Second hand Travel & Culture books Second hand Health, Diet & Yoga books Second hand Art (Photography, Music, Movie) books Second hand Sports books Second hand Multiple Combo Non fiction books Non fiction books Second hand Other Non fiction books Preloved Kids(Paperback,Hardcover,Board) books Second hand kids Teen fiction books Second hand childrens learning books Second hand Reference books Second hand Political and Legal Fiction Books second hand Contemporary Fiction Books Second hand Romance books Buy Non-fiction books in Nairobi kenya Buy fiction books in nairobi kenya at half priced books Buy children books in nairobi Kenya at half priced books buy business books in nairobi kenya at half priced books buy biograghies, autobiographies and memoirs at half priced books in nairobi kenya buy second hand best selling books in nairobi kenya || Non-fiction book recommendations in nairobi kenya||Best non-fiction books in nairobi kenya||Non-fiction book reviews in nairobi cbd||Non-fiction writing tipsin nairobi kenya||How to write a non-fiction book in nairobi cbd