The Trumpet of the Swan By E.B. White

The Trumpet of the Swan By E.B. White


Generations have grown up with E. B. White's classic novels. One of his best-loved books, The Trumpet of the Swan, about a cygnet who finds his voice, is now a full-length animated film from Sony. Now younger readers can experience the joy of reading about Louie the trumpeter swan and his friends in these adorable readers with original full-color illustrations.Louie is very popular. Who wouldn't love a swan who can read, write, and play the trumpet? When Louie goes to camp, he meets a boy named A.G. who doesn't like birds, and since Louie is a bird, that means he doesn't like Louie. When A.G. pulls a dangerous stunt out on the lake, he realizes that Louie is a hero, after all.


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 210 pages
  • English
  • 0590406191
  • 9780590406192

About E.B. White

elwyn brooks white was a leading american essayist, author, humorist, poet and literary stylist and author of such beloved children's classics as charlotte Read More about E.B. White
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