24 MORE Africa Series series

The MORE Africa series has 12 books in English and in Kiswahili.

Our stories feature local characters in authentic settings and situations.

The books target children aged 5 to 11 and support the child’s growth from an early reader to a developing reader to a confident reader.

Meet Jasiri

Jasiri is 7 years old. Fondly known as Mr. Fix-it and sometimes known as Engineer, Jasiri never goes anywhere without his toolbox. Helpful, a bit shy and very smart, Jasiri is ready to be your new friend!

Meet Zuri

Zuri is 5 years old. Sometimes known as Wind Warrior, Zuri is creative, adventurous and very curious. Her favourite times are spent outdoors. Get to know her better, we promise you’ll enjoy it!

Meet Toto

Toto is the baby of the family. Toto loves to eat bananas, to play and is always up for a little mischief. Follow Toto and perhaps you’ll discover even more secrets about Toto’s world!