Hawke by Ted Bell

Hawke by Ted Bell


A direct descendant of a legendary English privateer, Lord Alexander Hawke is one of England's most decorated naval heroes. Now, in the Caribbean on a secret assignment for the American government, Hawke must disarm a ticking time bomb --- a highly experimental stealth submarine carrying forty nuclear warheads that has fallen into the hands of an unstable government just ninety miles from the U.S. mainland. But Hawke's mission is twofold, for he has returned to the waters where modern-day pirates brutally murdered his parents when he was a boy --- after a lifetime of nightmares, will vengeance be his last?

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 596 pages
  • English
  • 1416537783
  • 9781416537786

About Ted Bell

ted bell wasted bell, formerly visiting scholar at cambridge university and writer-in-residence at sidney-sussex college, cambridge, is a full-time writer. Read More about Ted Bell
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