Ceremony by Robert B. Parker

Ceremony by Robert B. Parker


The house looked right. And the neighborhood was perfect. And everything else was wrong. So Spenser took the parents' money and went after a runaway girl. Unfortunately, April Kyle had already traveled two lifetimes from her suburban home. Now she was caught up in a web of pinps, criminals, and exploiters--the kinf of people who won't listen to anything but money, or a gun. . . .

Praise for Ceremony

"Sizzling."--The Pittsburgh Press

"Pick of the crop, this one. Genuinely involving."--The Cleveland Plain Dealer

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 224 pages
  • English
  • 0440109930
  • 9780440109938

About Robert B Parker

robert brown parker was an american crime writer. his most famous works were the novels about the private detective spenser. abc television network develop Read More about Robert B Parker
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