Bury me in Pot Bunker : Golf through the Eyes of the Game's Most Challenging Course Designer

Bury me in Pot Bunker : Golf through the Eyes of the Game's Most Challenging Course Designer


To the millions of golfers who have played his world-famous courses, Pete Dye is either a creative genius or a demonic tormentor. To play well on Pete's courses, or on any of those influenced by his ideas, you have to know Pete. Bury Me in a Pot Bunker is his own story of how he revolutionised his favourite game by designing courses that both delight and bedevil golfers.

Buy Bury me in Pot Bunker by Pete Dye at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 241 pages
  • English
  • 0201407698
  • 9780201407693

About Pete Dye

dye was born on december 29, 1925, in urbana, ohio. he was the son of paul f. "pink" and elizabeth dye. a few years before dye's birth, his father became i Read More about Pete Dye
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