List of Books by Robin Muller. See all books authored by Robin Muller

About Robin Muller

He was an enterprising child who began his own small publishing house at the age of eight. His passion for storytelling continued into high school where he started a second, competing school paper named Exodus. Muller's paper featured creative writing by students including short stories, poetry, book reviews and paid advertising. Muller left high school at sixteen to make his living as an artist, in the Yorkville section of downtown Toronto. Muller enjoyed the six years he spent painting because "Art is self-indulgent as opposed to publishing books. Only one person has to buy a painting for it to be successful". (Writing Stories, Making Pictures, 234) Gradually, his interest in the fine arts waned and Robin Muller began looking for a new creative outlet. With his interest in narrative revived, he sought out a medium where he could marry his storytelling and illustrating abilities.

Muller's interest in children's books began in his teens, when he worked in a publisher's warehouse. He found the children's books so fascinating that he decided to try to write and illustrate his own book. However, his first book, Rupert's Star, was rejected by every publisher he sent it to. Disappointed by the publishers' responses, Muller waited ten years before he attempted another book. Muller was twenty-nine when his second book The Sorcerer's Apprentice, appeared in bookstores.