List of Books by Jan Bozarth. See all books authored by Jan Bozarth

About Jan Bozarth

JAN BOZARTH was raised in an international family in Texas in the 1960s, the daughter of a Cuban mother and a Welsh father. She danced in a ballet company at 11, started a dream journal at 13, joined a surf club at 16, studied flower essences at 18, and went on to learn music, art and poetry in college. As a girl she dreamed of a life that would weave these different interests together. Her dream came true when she grew up had a big family and a music and writing career. Now she is a grandmother who writes stories and songs for young people and often works with her own adult children who are musicians and artists in Austin, Texas. Sometimes Jan is the fairy godmother who encourages them to believe in their dreams. Jan credits her own mother, Dora, for handing down her wisdom—dream big and never give up.