List of Books by Diane Mastromarino. See all books authored by Diane Mastromarino

About Diane Mastromarino

My mother had a brain tumor when I was five years old, and when I brought her greeting cards my kindergarten class had made, she smiled and spoke for the first time after her surgery. I was convinced greeting cards saved my mom, and my dream job became to write them.

I moved from Brooklyn, NY, to Boulder, CO, in 2000 to write greeting cards for Blue Mountain Arts publishing company. In the six years I spent at BMA, I wrote and published four self-help books for teenage girls.

I realized I didn’t just want to put the advice on a book shelf; I wanted the opportunity to deliver it first hand. I graduated from CU-Denver with an MA in Counseling Psychology and Counselor Education in 2006, and now I feel like the luckiest person in the world to not only have accomplished my dream job, but to now work in my new dream job as the counselor at New Vista High School.

That’s my story in a nutshell.