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About David DeBatto

David DeBatto is a former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and Army instructor that served in Iraq in 2003 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Prior to his tour in Iraq, David was an instructor in the Army Counterintelligence Agent course. While in Iraq, he functioned as a Team Leader of a Tactical Human Intelligence Team (THT) in the heart of the Sunni Triangle. His team's responsibilities included; tracking down the infamous "55 Playing Card" Iraqi fugitives, searching for WMD as well as high level Ba'ath Party and top Iraqi military leaders. His team's intelligence collection efforts lead to the capture of one of the "55" as well as several Iraqi generals, intelligence operatives and large caches of conventional weapons and top secret documents. He was medically discharged in March of 2004 after twelve years of service as a result of serious injuries suffered during an intelligence gathering mission just outside of Balad, Iraq at a location affectionately nicknamed "Mortarville" by American troops. David developed close working relationships and the trust of several top Iraqi leaders and was able, because of those relationships, to obtain valuable information not readily available to other America officials; military or civilian. He can regularly be seen giving news analysis of events in the Middle East and the Global War on Terrorism on numerous radio and television networks including; FOX NEWS, CNN, NPR MSNBC and others. David is widely quoted as a source for terrorism and national security related stories by several leading news organizations and has written articles for; The American Prospect, Salon, Vanity Fair, The New Standard and Spiegel Television in Germany.