List of Books by Dara Girard. See all books authored by Dara Girard

About Dara Girard

Dara Girard is a national bestselling and award-winning author. After many novels in various sub-genres from contemporary to paranormal romance, women’s fiction, and non-fiction Ms. Girard continues to win readers with each new book.

I was born many years ago in the American Midwest to a brave immigrant couple who decided to call themselves my parents. They moved around the country until they finally settled in Maryland. As a child I was always scribbling something and my family supported my efforts (with white knuckles and a lot of prayer).

After graduating from college, I worked various jobs and did some freelance writing hoping that one day my writing efforts would make me rich and famous and allow me to quit. That didn’t happen. Instead my last job was made redundant and I decided not to look for a new one. Instead I chose to live on my savings (and mild insanity) and write full time.

I would not recommend this route for other aspiring writers. Either marry well or have three years worth of salary saved. I took the risk because I wanted to and fortunately that same year I received an offer from a publisher for a two book contract–after a thirteen year effort, but that’s another story.