List of Books by Annie Fox. See all books authored by Annie Fox

About Annie Fox

Award-winning writer and character educator. That means I help kids (and the adults who live and work them) develop compassion, resilience and grit in a world that often shows itself to be suffering from empathy deficit disorder.

When Annie Fox's first book People Are Like Lollipops (Holiday House) was published, she wasn't old enough to legally sign the contract! By the time she turned 21, though, she decided that helping kids would be her life's work. After graduating from Cornell University with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies then completing her Master's in Education, she began exploring ways to use technology to entertain kids while building their emotional intelligence skills.

In 1977, Annie and her husband David opened Marin Computer Center, the world's first public access microcomputer facility. Her work there led her to write her best selling book, Armchair BASIC (Osborn/McGraw-Hill). After a detour into the world of screen writing, Annie returned to computers as an award-winning writer/designer of children's CD-ROMs. (Putt-Putt; Madeline; Get Ready for School, Charlie Brown; and Mr. Potato Head Saves Veggie Valley are just a few of the titles on which she worked.)