Atlas of Management Thinking By Edward de Bono

Atlas of Management Thinking By Edward de Bono


First published in 1981, this was the first book ever to be written explicitly for the right side of the reader’s brain.

Much has been made of the research conducted into the left side of the brain – home to language and logic. The right side works in images, whole patterns and undefined feelings – none of which can be verbalized. This more elusive thinking often functions as what is loosely called ‘intuition’.

In Atlas, de Bono shows us how to use the right side. It is an atlas because it is a visual reference of images and illustrations that point the reader in the right direction (literally). For anyone who has ever been told to trust their instinct, or who is concerned with management and decision-making, this book is a de Bono classic.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 224 pages
  • English
  • 0140137769
  • 9780140137767

About Edward de Bono

edward de bono was a maltese physician, author, inventor, and consultant. he is best known as the originator of the term lateral thinking (structured creat Read More about Edward de Bono
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