Anne Frank: The Book, the Life, the Afterlife book by Francine Prose

Anne Frank: The Book, the Life, the Afterlife book by Francine Prose


In Anne Frank: The Book, the Life, the Afterlife, Francine Prose, author of Reading Like a Writer, deftly parses the artistry, ambition, and enduring influence of Anne Frank’s beloved classic, The Diary of a Young Girl. Approved by both the Anne Frank House Foundation in Amsterdam and the Anne Frank-Fonds in Basel, run by the Frank family, this work of literary criticism unravels the complex, fascinating story of the diary and effectively makes the case for it being a work of art from a precociously gifted writer.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 006143079X
  • 9780061430794

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