A Faithful Heart : Daily Guide for Joyful Living

A Faithful Heart : Daily Guide for Joyful Living


Passionate Called Holy Equipped Joyful Loving Learning Authentic These eight words, so simple on a page, yet when they are lived out daily they will change your heart and the hearts of those around you. A Faithful Heart is an eight-week journey into these words. Follow along and find yourself strengthening your heart and experiencing God in a powerful way. In the pages of this book, Sally Dyck combines Scripture, engaging stories, and the faith of Mary to encourage women to grow and share their heart. Experience A Faithful Heart on your own or as part of a community of women who want to open themselves up to the richness of God's daily presence. 

Buy A Faithful Heart : Daily Guide for Joyful Living by Sally Dyck at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 240 pages
  • English
  • 1426709986
  • 9781426709982

About Sally Dyck

sally dyck is an american minister who is a bishop in the united methodist church, the second largest protestant denomination in the united states. in 2021 Read More about Sally Dyck
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