List of Books by Ray Lambert. See all books authored by Ray Lambert

About Ray Lambert

Arnold “Ray” Lambert (1920-2021) joined the U.S. Army in 1940 and served as a medic in the invasions of North Africa, Sicily, and Normandy. For much of the war, he was staff sergeant in charge of a 30-man detail in the First Division’s famed 16th Regiment. Lambert earned the Silver Star and multiple Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts. He saved many lives. After the war, he started two successful businesses in the Boston area. His memoir, Every Man a Hero, was published in 2019 and became a New York Times bestseller. Jim DeFelice has written over a dozen works of fiction and nonfiction for young people. His works include: Havana Strike, published in 1997, and Brother's Keeper published in 2000. He is the co-author of Dreamland with Dale Brown. He also co-authored best sellers American Sniper and American Gun with Chris Kyle. In 2014, his nonfiction ebook made the New York Times bestseller list; it was entitled Code Name: Johnny Walker. DeFelice co-authored 2015 New York Times and Publisher's Weelky bestseller American Wife with Chris Kyle's widow, Taya Kyle.